Saturday, April 11, 2020


1.       Write a program in C to enter a number from user and check whether a number is positive or negative.
2.       Write a program in C to enter three coefficients from user and find roots by a quadratic equation.
3.       Write a program in C to print 1 to 100.
4.       Write a program in C to print even numbers between 1 to 100.
5.       Write a program in C to print sum of even numbers between 1 to 100.
6.       Write a program in C to enter a number from user and display its reverse.
7.       Write a program in C to enter a number from user and check whether a number is prime or not.
8.       Write a program in C display the multiplication table of any no.
9.       Write a program in C to enter a string from user and copy it to another string.
10.   Write a program in C to enter a string from user and find its length.
11.   Write a function in C to calculate factorial of a number.
12.   Write a program in C to store ten numbers from user in one-dimensional array and find its sum and average.
13.   Write a program in C to store ten numbers from user in one-dimensional array and find largest of them.
14.   Write a program in C to store nine [3 x 3] elements in two-dimensional array and display them.
15.   Write a program in C to store ten records in one-dimensional array. Record contains Roll Number and name. And display all records.

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